Wednesday, March 31

New things in my life...

My my, it has been so long since i wrote anything here. hehe...
There goes my new year resolution.
Damn it's always like this,
I sit down figure out the things i want to do,
Things to achieve, but i never stick to it.
Lack of motivation? Laziness?
I suppose it's a large glass of laziness with a sprinkle of procrastination.

I know i have to change but it's definitely easier said than done.
I have a very easy life, a good family, good education,
But it seems like i'm just throwing it all away,
Do i appreciate all the things in my life?
Of course i do!
However, most of the time i feel like i need more.
I admit it, i crave for more.

More from my loving family,
More from my loving boyfriend,
More from my caring friends,
Damn, i sound like an ungrateful brat... *sighs*
And i hate it!

Is there a cure for me?
Am i a lost ship waiting for a lighthouse to guide me home?
Or am i a sinking ship being ripped apart bit by bit by the strong current?
Great, now i sound whiny... *sighs*

Hmm... reading back on what i've just wrote,
I've just realized that no matter how good my life is,
If i do not learn to appreciate it, sooner or later it will all disappear.
I've got to get a hold of my self and as my dad used to say to me,
Pull my socks up and look forward and overcome all these feelings inside of me.

1 comment:

.:shirlyn:. said...

at least you know it yourself. it's not too late for you to figure out what you should do. appreciate is really a thing that we should learn no matter what; that's the first to keep you happy :)
cheer up girl. i know you can do it ;)